Left Out
Song evaluation: 91%
Song length: 10:59 min
Genre: progressive rock
Added: 12.09.2016, 00:03
Interpreter: Riverside
Album: Anno Domini High Definition
Album evaluation: 83%
Release Year: 2009
Huddled in the corner, disillusioned
My lifeless stare is fixed on your silhouettes
You're disregarding me, passing me by
Like I'm not even here
Maybe I'm not
Maybe I'm somewhere else
I used to be one of you
with the same spark in my eyes
And now I don't belong to this place
It's a matter of merciless time
I wholly vanish
The candle guttered out
The beauty elapsed
Could've been so wonderful
One day we could've met
and believed we might live that way
Far away from the din
Envious looks and chase for the prize
We would have remained ourselves
without killing our feelings slowly day by day
One day we could've won
without taking away someone else's pride
We would have become strong
Walking through our life side by side
We could've missed another day
Not knowing how to talk, where to go
We could've missed another night
Only, for what?
The dream went away
and you came with your dark hair loose
Ruthless cold reality
Oh, how I hate your truth
Don't turn your back this time
Just look at my eyes
I won't break down
I'm going to fight